Sunday, July 06, 2008

Make-shift Pail

The leak in the pail that holds my Lotus plant just got worse and I had to remove the pail to have the base fixed. The pail has to be put aside for a week for the silicone to dry properly so that the fish don't get killed by any chemicals. So what to do as a temporary pail?

It so happened that a neighbour bought a new tv and threw out his tv box at the lift landing. So, I helped myself to it, took it home, taped trash bags on the outside to keep the paper dry from when the cleaner comes around to wash. I re-used the huge plastic wrapping from my TV. Put the plant in and poured tons of water into it. Viola.

Big and ugly, even weird but it saves my plant for the time being.


Anonymous 家出 said...


4:27 pm  

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