Thursday, November 24, 2005

Weather report

It has been drizzling or raining almost non-stop the past few days. Actually, it was cold in the evenings on those raining days. We had a day where the weather report for the highest temperature was 29 deg C. One of the girls at work exclaimed how cool that was. Back when I was in junior college, 28 deg C was a hot day. Now 33 deg C is a norm.

In the past month, we have had a couple of some ruthless tropical storms, its fury unleashed with blinding lightning and angry thunders. The downpour was so heavy that going outside with the biggest umbrella would not keep you dry.

[View from my apartment at the start of a downpour, before it all turned dark and gloomy]

Today we had a break and a day of sunshine. I like this time of the year. A bright day would be some sun hiding behind the clouds. There would be a breeze and I don't feel the humidity.


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