Monday, February 27, 2006

Passing of a Great Man

Now that the lights have dimmed and the music faded away...sobered after the weekend of drinks, I sit back to contemplate the passing of S.Rajaratnam, a great statesman who had penned our national pledge. The pledge had been the first thing I learned on the first day of school from the age of 6, together with the Lord's Prayer, to be recited daily. Even today, I occasionally rehearse them under my breath to keep my mind company (strange as it may seem).

I have always had a good impression of the late Rajaratnam and is not surprised to learn from the news that he had lived a full life with integrity and kindness and had been true to himself. His spirit has been an inspiration to countless and I believe he will still continue to inspire mine. Here, these words I shall copy to echo them to immortality:

"We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people. Regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation".


Blogger J Wong said...

Had read all the stuff in STI about him - sounds like a life well-lived !
May we all be able to say that at the end of our lives - that we have all done what we meant to & can go without regrets....

10:48 am  

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