Thursday, February 02, 2006

Spirit of Tao 道


"For the obstacle of principle to be removed, there is an obstacle whose roots derive from writings. But in reality, the obstacle of writings is an obstacle of the mind.

The mystic of the Tao-Te-Ching all come from profound enlightenment: if you view them literally and lose their inner sense, if you fail to understand and succumb to this obstacle, then all sorts of false statements, aberrated doctrines, curiosities, and fantasies enter your mind, causing damage to the nature and body.

So what ancient adepts set up as truths were mostly in the form of indirect allusions. For example, the terms of water and fire, furnace and cauldron, girl and boy, dragon and tiger, yin and yang, and mysterious female - all are allusions to something else.

People who are obstructed by words often do exercises without knowing the Great Way is in vitality, energy and spirit. Nurturing these three treasures is nurturing the seed; this seed is the ultimate. When you recognise the seed, all the various explanations are dregs. Why consume dregs?

So writings are not real explanations of the Way. When you personally realise the Way, you can dispense with all the writings."

Hmm.. interesting - the trinity. Tao says vitality, energy and spirit. Bible says the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Are both alluding to the same truths which we seek..?


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