Monday, May 01, 2006

Blend is anything but bland

My best part of the trade fair that I was at last week was the discovery of this manufacturer called Blend. Check out their website, it is awesome!!! Move your cursor over the scenery of the street scene when you get to it to see the options. Aiyah, their stuff is so me.

Their literature says "Blend's ambition is to introduce Chinese folk art and legends into the western living environment, breathing new life into ancient traditions. Our distinctive designs juxtupose traditional Chinese motifs with a chic modern aesthetic, creating unique decorative products that tell a story....Take a closer look ar any of our items and you will notice details that set them apart from anything you have ever seen. We are confident our pieces will brighten your favourite room or the face of a friend who receives one."

The stuff don't come cheap though, eg, the medium size box "lively lizard" was already USD35. *faint* Will that stop me..?


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