Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I was in Maldives

...and got very dark.

It is a pity some of the glamour and exclusivity associated with Maldives is chipped away with the invasion of PRCs tourists - whether honeymooners or families. The tranquility of the place is often rudely ruined by their loud talking and any romanticism that could be evoked by such a beautiful place is dissipated by these peasants' constant craving for attention to make their presence known.

On the sunset fishing trip, every PRC couple is whining away when they don't catch any fish and when they do, they are squealing loudly to the whole boat and the next to announce their catch. The couple next to us made comments endlessly. On the beach, a PRC family could barely control their 9-10 years old daughter. The girl didn't talk so much as shriek literally. The air was pierced by her continuous screaming dialogue, I had to check several times to be convinced the mother had brought a child and not a banshee


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