Thursday, March 02, 2006


After hearing so much about it, I finally watched Brokeback Mountain at the SFS screening last nite. The actors and especially the actresses did an excellent job. The scenary was great but the movie was slow, like a sunday matinee. I did not find it moving, nor sad.

The biggest thing that struck me was what a LOSER Ennis was. Superficially he followed the rules and conventions of society (which are there in essence to protect and nurture relationships)
and appeared to be responsible , but where it counts, he had broken all the rules. Physically and spiritually, he was not there. He could not be there for his wife, nor his daughters, nor his boyfriend. He supported no one; time and time again he disappointed and declined away from everyone who loved him. Somehow I don't feel sorry for him. I don't know what his life represents.

Why do people wish that it would have worked out. If there is anything regrettable about this whole affair, I think it is as Jack said he could "not quit" Ennis. It is indeed Jack's tragedy to have fallen in love with such a loser.

Also, why do people name this a story about a relationship between two gey men? Ha, I see two bysaxchuals here if you ask.


Blogger Cupooftea said...

Hallo.. Me link my to your entry on Brokeback!

12:14 pm  

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