Water Lily
Found water lilies and lotus plants being sold at the market. I decided to try growing some. It has been my dream for awhile to have a 'mini pond' at home. After much deliberation between lilies or lotus. I picked lilies to start off with.
Then of course, one thing led to another. It has to have fish in it to prevent mosquito breeding. Next thing I know, I am a proud owner of 4 guppies, 6 neon tetra, plus a host of longkang (drain-water) variety which I have yet to identify. Oh, I also discovered 3 tiny snails.
At this moment, one flower has bloomed and 2 other young buds are promising to. The flower is pink with some yellow inner petals. It opens up under sunlight and closes towards the end of day. I am told lilies flourish rapidly, so I am really looking forward to see lots of pads sprouting in my container of 2' diameter soon. *rubbing hands with gleeful anticipation*
Then of course, one thing led to another. It has to have fish in it to prevent mosquito breeding. Next thing I know, I am a proud owner of 4 guppies, 6 neon tetra, plus a host of longkang (drain-water) variety which I have yet to identify. Oh, I also discovered 3 tiny snails.
At this moment, one flower has bloomed and 2 other young buds are promising to. The flower is pink with some yellow inner petals. It opens up under sunlight and closes towards the end of day. I am told lilies flourish rapidly, so I am really looking forward to see lots of pads sprouting in my container of 2' diameter soon. *rubbing hands with gleeful anticipation*
how come your pix dont have flower wan?!
This was taken near end of day when the sunlight was low, so the flower retired..the bad part is I will only get to enjoy the flowers over the weekend when I am home in the day. During weekdays, by the time I get home from work, all the buds are closed.
The best part about growing this is, I don't have to water it. heh heh heh.
i would love to have that too!! :)
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