Sunday, January 01, 2006

A memorable New Year's Eve

Happy New Year! How was your celebrations? I had a fantastic time on new year eve.

Hsin is in Singapore this week so we went to see the Power Dressing exhibition at the Asian Civilisation Museum at Empress Place.

We had a promotion postcard which offered free entry "1-for-1" ; it was actually misleading because it turned out to mean one person pays $8 while the guest is free when it should really say "2-for-1". The textiles and Chinese robes came from Chris Hall collection (not that you will be interested to know) and consisted of Chinese imperial and religious robes. I enjoyed their colours the most. There wasn't much embroidery to look at which I would have liked since I take up the needle on the occasion. A lot of patterns looked woven into the fabric. I don't know anything about weaving, unfortunately cannot appreciate the work as much.

The exhibition rooms were also very dim which made viewing sometimes difficult and a bit of a strain. Anyhow, it was very pleasant wandering around the rooms, looking at these beautiful artifacts and chatting away without the intrusion of the crowd. We ended up in the museum longer than expected because of the unexpected heavy downpour. The day had started off so hot that we did not bring an umbrella.

Once the rain thinned, we left quickly and made our way to Chinatown to have a look, which meant dropping by Yue Hwa . We had only two hours there before rushing off to attend Hsin's parents' dinner party.
Hsin and I must be like the youngest ones at the party but I guess when people are young at heart, what is age but a number. Everyone was in good spirits at the dinner. There were lots of banter going on in the gathering which could only be possible from honest friendship shared over decades. I sat next to an attractive auntie, whom I was told, is the mother of the famous local blogger - Mr.Brown. What a surprise! I had just read his stuff the day before. She was very chatty and has a very bubbly personality.

After dinner, we decided to see Kumar at Gold Dust instead of squeezing with the masses at Marina South area for the fireworks.
The last performance I saw of Kumar was over 5 years ago. But not much has changed from his formula used at Boom Boom Room, where his shows used to be.

The show came in three sets of half hour with one hour break in-between. Each segment consisted of cabaret dancing and some stand-up comedian act. The first set started at 11am. Soon after the first segment, the whole room celebrated the arrival of the new year. The house went crazy with lots of noise completed with popping paper and sprayed party flakes. Our drinks ended up covered with it.

Kumar's act was in the second segment. As usual, he was rude, vulgar, funny and just being a diva. I teared from laughing too much at his lines even though there wasn't that much surprise in his deliveries. As Fyen puts it: soup changed, but not the medicine: 换汤不换药 - Different taste, different packaging, same result. I did notice he did not pull any audience up on stage to get involved this time. By the time all the sets finished, it was near 3am. But the nite was not over yet. We met up with Hsin's cousin and her friends at Brix and proceeded to Newton Hawker Center for supper.

One of the cousin's friend was Wendi Koh . She had just performed to 100,000 at the Esplanade for the new yr eve celebration! Oh, I had missed that.

Whenever Wendi is mentioned, my first impression of her would come to mind, which was the time I saw her live on stage in the late 80s at some club in Holland Village. I remembered being very impressed by her stage presence. She was so comfortable up there and commanded the stage. Now after two decades, she still looks so young! Like a cool 25, a pixie with her big eyes and short curly hair. It is when she speaks that I sense an old soul. She is very feminine yet her spirit seems masculine; of someone not easily fazzled. Her voice is low and melodious and she speaks with a measured pace in a very slight but natural accent that hinted of a posh education. I thought she only sings and perform live and only found out she has some albums. I should go buy them and support support local talent.

I was surprised I was still not tired when I got home. I had a shower and even read(!) a little. By the time I turned out the lights, it was 5am.


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