Saturday, November 05, 2005


West Street - here is an old pub that has been upgraded, passersby can now look right into it after part of the wall was removed and full-length glass installed in its place.

I happened by the Morton Cutler which is the oldest cutler shop in Sheffield. (wished I took a pic). A bus-stop is right in front of it.

Going by the neighbouring shops upgrading, renovating, turning hip and even closed down, I wondered if this shop would be in the danger of packing up. Is Sheffield's famous cutlery still popular? Anyway, I decided to drop in and browse and pick something up as a souvenir. The designs were lovely but oh, still so expensive for me, even after discount.

I took my time and must have spent over half an hour poring over every item. I finally picked out 2 fruit knives (which looked like small nail filers), a cheese knife (because I don't have one yet and this one has a Morton logo!), 6 fish knives (at 50 pence! each), and a caddy spoon.

The fish knives and the caddy spoon are quite special in shape as I have not come across such before. Otherwise, they are plain in decoration.

The caddy spoon looks odd. The scoop part is big like it is for soup but the handle is short.

The shop keeper told me it's for removing tea leaves from the tea cup. I found some writeup that said a caddy spoon was for measuring tea and they came about in those days when tea was very expensive.

[ I discovered some interesting sites about spoons -
- Spoon Values

- Souvenir Caddy Spoons

- Souvenir Spoons Museum

- Caddy Spoon Collection

- Antique Caddy Spoons

Also - do you know - eggs tarnish silver]

Here is a picture of my purchase to share my excitement:


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