Sunday, November 06, 2005


It is Guy Fawkes day or Bonfire night. Throughout this evening, we hear fireworks going off constantly, even now (permitted till 11pm), that it sounded like a train chuckling away in a distance. I catch glimpses of the sparkles above the houses in the neighbourhood. Some give off wheezing sounds while spiralling off.

Apparently you can buy and set off your own fireworks in the backyard. They are sold as "garden fireworks". It is quite affordable like 6 quid for 10 mini rockets (1/2 foot). Fyen bought some. So Fyen, my BIL and I went to the garden and pushed hollow holders into the soil. Next, we inserted a rocket (attached to a long stick) into a holder and light the short string at the end of the rocket. Then jump back as each fires off with a whistle. I fell on my bum a couple of times in a rush to get out of the way. When the rocket reaches the top, it will pause momentarily in the sky before exploding into a kaleidoscope of colours.

The challenge is the wind which keeps blowing out the fire in our lighter and we have a poor lighter. Each time, it takes us a while to fire off each one. The night is really cold too. Despite that, our effort is always richly rewarded - the fireworks is spectacular and loads of fun.

Now you know why Sporeans say fireworks are powderful...


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