Cease the DrooL
Today on Jan 2, Kit turns 4 months.
My mum decided to carry out a little ceremony which is supposed to rid or reduce Kit's habit of drooling. She had just learned it from my cousins. Apparently, one of my cousin's two boys went through it and they stopped drooling early while another cousin did not carry it out for her daughter and the poor girl continued to drool till she was over one.
Folk legends you say. Hey, this is totally new to me too!
Mum came to me in the morning to borrow some red cord which I use for tying my chinese knots. Then I saw her use the ropes to tie the ends to the drumsticks. She also strung up a row of plain biscuits.
Poked a hole through the biscuits and put the rope through them. The whole thing was bizarre. Bizarre, even hilarious but fascinating.After that, Fyen took Kit out to the corridor where it was cooler and my mum started the little ceremony. (For those trying this at home, you can do this in any part of the house).
First she hung the cord with the drumsticks around Kit's neck and then took the drumsticks and gently touched and swiped them on Kit's mouth while talking to him, saying something like," Okay, you are a big boy now. ..Be a good boy...Time to stop drooling... Drooling is for hungry people. May you never be hungry and be well-fed and have not need to drool". So on and so on.
After that, mum repeated the same thing using the biscuits. I don't know if she did it right but anyway, what do we have to lose. It is fun just to test this out. It is funny that she herself only half believes it and half hopes it will work.
Mum said if anything, it is a symbolic affair which the baby might catch some significance of. Perhaps he might just understand in his own baby way and try to learn not to drool. Interesting theory.

So, if you learn this the first time from here and you try this too on yourself or on your baby and it works, donch forget to come back to my blog to thank me.
My mum decided to carry out a little ceremony which is supposed to rid or reduce Kit's habit of drooling. She had just learned it from my cousins. Apparently, one of my cousin's two boys went through it and they stopped drooling early while another cousin did not carry it out for her daughter and the poor girl continued to drool till she was over one.
Folk legends you say. Hey, this is totally new to me too!

Poked a hole through the biscuits and put the rope through them. The whole thing was bizarre. Bizarre, even hilarious but fascinating.After that, Fyen took Kit out to the corridor where it was cooler and my mum started the little ceremony. (For those trying this at home, you can do this in any part of the house).

After that, mum repeated the same thing using the biscuits. I don't know if she did it right but anyway, what do we have to lose. It is fun just to test this out. It is funny that she herself only half believes it and half hopes it will work.
Mum said if anything, it is a symbolic affair which the baby might catch some significance of. Perhaps he might just understand in his own baby way and try to learn not to drool. Interesting theory.

So, if you learn this the first time from here and you try this too on yourself or on your baby and it works, donch forget to come back to my blog to thank me.
In the mean time, drool on..
Wow, hadn't heard about THAT ceremony before - sounds interesting ! It did seem a bit cruel though, not letting him eat the drumsticks or biscuits...BTW, were those Marie biscuits or Nabisco crackers ? Does it matter what food you use or must it be chicken drum sticks & biscuits ?
Do ask your mum - would be interesting to find out. I just came back from a trip to NZ, which was filled with good eating & good company plus lots of walking & great scenery. Will post some pics on the blog. Cheers !
This is totally hilarious!!! but if it were to be my mother-in-law who suggested this 3yrs ago, i probably would have flipped!!!!!!! :) then again, if it were my mum.... hmm... its just totally impossible that it would have come from her...
fangyen, then you should also try the laksa leaf thingy :)
Kit is still being breastfed, cannot eat the drumsticks and biscuits lah. Now, that LY mention it, I don't know if Kit even realise drumsticks and biscuits are food. Perhaps we should have used 2 tins of milk instead (crazy aunt, mwahahaha). He is at this stage now of licking everything around him.
On the type of biscuits, they were bought from those stalls which grind coffee powder and sell coffee and biscuits by weight. Probably homemade, not branded. You can use any type of chicken, can be factory bred or kampung (ranch).
My cousins only used chicken. Biscuits were my mum's addition.
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