Sunday, January 15, 2006

Feng Shui

Went to Liza for my back massage today at Miracle Gardens. When I walked into the room, I felt some dismay that she had re-arranged her room.

Her table used to be next to the door but now, she has moved it to the back so that her back is to the wall and she faces the door. Not surprisingly, she says she feels the energy in the room improved and her business has picked up since. However, I felt it to be less cozy and more business-like. I do not like it at all. It is not a big room, so the position of the bed was also adjusted and now perpendicular to what it used to be.

We started on the session and about 15 minutes before the session end, some dust seemed to have gotten into my throat and agitated it, I got into bad fit of coughs. That was no good.

A strange thought crossed my mind from something I have heard before. I had not noticed this about the room before but now it bothered me. I decided to raise the matter after our session.

[Me]: Liza, did anyone suggest or advise you to arrange the bed this way with the head pointing to the door?

[Liza]: No, I put it facing that way because I could have some space to move around when I do the head massage for the customers.

[Me]: Well, I am not sure if this has been mentioned to you before, but in the hospitals, when nurses move patients around in beds for surgery etc, they take a lot of trouble to try to turn the bed around so that the head goes through the door first, whether into the lift or into the room. That is treatment for living people. In the morgue, the head is allowed to face the door. If you watch movies, when they pull the body out of the drawer, where is the head pointing to..

[Liza]: Ah..Patang* good har..

[Me]: Yar.. you may like to reconsider...

* - offences which invite bad luck (in this case, bad luck to the customers)


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