Our Lion City held its first ever toy and comic convention. According to the news, the response had been overwhelming. It was over only three days and I went on the last day, Sunday, by then it was not as packed (thankfully) but still very busy. Still had to jostle with people. There were some cute looking toys.

Part of the fun was seeing people in costume. I suspect, every toy or comic fair will have something from Star Wars.

On the whole, it was an okay event for me. I wasn't too excited by the stuff there. I mean there was nothing from my favourite manga artist there -
Chen Uen. To me, he is the ultimate MASTER. Sci-fi Anime is often breath-taking the first half hour and then after that, the story gets convoluted and heavy and philosophical and totally numbs my brain.
If there is anything I went away with from this event, it would be the Wii products. There's this pad that people stand on and the pressure from the feet lets the system know if you are tilting left or right, so you have these games such as you as the gate-keeper bending left and right trying to knock the balls out of the goal post. Hmm..kind of interesting. Still monitoring what else they have out there before I get something to help me get some exercise.